The eZ Life

Logo Creation

We were set an assignment in which we had create a logo for our own made-up film institution. Logo creation is a task which I am established with, as I've had previous experiences creating one during my ICT GCSE course last year.

If you look at pre-existing film institutions (which can be seen below), such as Paramount or Fox, their logos are relatively simplistic. They use matchig colours and do not incorporate many features into the design. With this in mind, I decided that I should base my logo on these guidelines. 

The Major Six: Above are what can be seen what are commonly thought to be the six major film distributors in the world.
I took all of this new information and research into account when I created my very own film studio brand and icon.
I set myself several guidelines which I wanted my logo and brand to incorporate:
  • I wanted to give it a clever twist.
'I See' also sounds like 'Icy', helping to tie up the theme of ice and fire.
The logo feature's an iris and pupil, relating to 'I See'.
I used the shape of a sun as it is hot like fire.
  • I attempted to use a limited colour pallet.
I predominantly used matching colours, black, blue, orange and white, keeping it limited to four.
  • I tried to make it personal to me as the creator.
'I See' sounds like the letters 'I' and 'C', which are my initials.
  • I knew I had to make it iconic.
I tried to use things which were relatable to people but not used in pre-existing institute logos.
  • I finally realised that simplicity would be the best route for creation.
• The logo is mainly comprised of simple shapes; rings, circles and triangles.

Here is what I managed to create:
I See Fire Productions: The logo which I created on Microsoft PowerPoint
as I thought it would be the most simple software to use to achieve my desired end product.