The eZ Life

Production Diary

Day 1: Monday 10th November

Today we pitched our own individual film ideas. We then discussed eachother's ideas and contributed to what we felt would improve or what we could do slightly differently. During this discussion we then choose the film idea which we felt would be different and something that has not been done before. We choose this film then gave our own ideas to try and improve and develop the idea. We used this as we felt some ideas would have been to hard to do. We felt as though if we contributed our own ideas and discussed them this would benefit the film itself. We choose my film pitch idea, The eZ Life.

Working hard 
Day 2: Tuesday 11th November

Today we Pitched our film, The eZ life to our fellow peers and teachers. We received mixed feedback with some really taking to the idea however some people found it as though to be too hard and that the party scene will need lots of shots in order to select and pick the best ones. However the actual idea was overall accepted and that this could work. The fact that it is something that is different and has never been done before was something that would be exciting. It is an unusual but clever film pitch. We did have one criticism which was later resolved. We classified the film as a 15 certificate however this was questioned by many of our peers as our film involves drugs however we resolved this issue and we were correct in thinking that our film arrived inside the 15.

James helps Issak
Day 3: Thursday 13th November

Today we researched certain films which we felt as though would help us and give us some inspiration. I choose the film Zombieland. I choose this film as it is an age group at which our film is targeted at. Our actors are of similar age. Archie researched the film 21. James researched the film, Zombeavers. We all picked different films and we collectively decided that this would see a wider range of film openings.

Day 4: Friday 14th November

Today we had to research different titles. We did this to try and get some inspiration and some thought as to be what our film title could look like. We also done this to see the timing of the titles and the fonts. This would overall help us in picking our title. We each done this separately and together we came back into a group to discuss various titles that we felt were good or what we could do for our own titles in our film opening.

Day 5: Monday 17th November

Today we had a group meeting and we allocated roles for the tasks that we had to do e.g. Storyboard, audience research, etc. We felt as though if we allocated this now that this would save us time as we know who is doing what. We allocated these tasks to what everyone felt comfortable with and what we felt as thought would work well the best. We also created a moodboard of which gave us inspiration. We did this to give us an overall idea of the shots and the posters which we felt would help us. We choose similar genres and types of films so this would help us look at the shots for our particular film.

Day 6: Tuesday 18th November

Today Archie researched a similar genre film in which he researched various stats and information about the film which I thought would best suit our particular film. This film was Zombieland. This is similar to our film, with both including zombies. I researched different types of music for our film opening. I had to make sure that it was copyright free so therefore he researched and played different musics at which he felt would work best. James created a powerpoint which was synopsis planning. James did this as a brief plan for the overall plan. We then had a group meeting at the end to make sure that we was all on track and we then spoke about what we had researched.

Working as a team
Day 7: Thursday 20th November

Today Archie created our production diary as we realised that we had to post this constantly up to date. James started the script for our film opening, whilst I started the storyboard.

Day 8: Friday 21st November

Today Archie researched film institutions in which we felt would distribute our film. James continued producing and making the script. I continued to create the storyboard. We discussed our various ideas for the script and storyboard so we all felt as thought the storyboard would be as close as it could towards out final shots that we want to take.

Day 9: Monday 24th November

Today I researched certain locations and got some recce shots in which our locations could be. Me and Archie also started to create the storyboard video. Once we completed this however we received some feedback and we realised that we had to introduce titles into the video. James started the marketing campaign presentation.

Day 10: Tuesday 25th November

Today Archie created our risk assessment for our health and safety for our shooting risk assessment. James created our marketing campaign PowerPoint whilst I continued to work on our storyboard.

Day 11: Thursday 27th November
Today Archie planned the shooting schedule and together in our group meeting we decided what days we would film. We decided that if we planned certain days that we could all make that we would keep to this schedule. James finished the script after feedback which we felt as though we could improve the script from our group meeting, so James redid the script at which he improved. James also researched different titles fonts for which our genre was evident. Archie finished the storyboard editing and started to research various music research for our film.

Day 12: Friday 28th November
Today we continued filming shots for our film and started editing for our film. Together we filmed the first three shots of our film. We took two shots of every shot that we had so that we could pick the best shot which would fit our film.

Day 13: Monday 1st December
Today we continued to film certain shots for our film and Issak continued to edit the film. I researched various film institutions and researched Film4. James researched various props that we were using for our film.

Day 14: Tuesday 2nd December
Today we continued to film certain shots for our film and together we contributed to edit the film together. I continued to edit although we would constantly ask each others opinions and what we could do to improve it. We researched various inspirations to try and help us improve our film.

Day 15: Wednesday 3rd December
Today we continued to film certain shots for our film as we try to continue filming as a way to see what we could do and need to improve our film sequence. We looked for different locations in ways which were we could improve the shots to make them better. James made the shot list of what shots that we are using for our film sequence.

Day 16: Thursday 4th December
Today we continued to film certain shots for our film as we found shots at which we wanted to improve for our film opening sequence. James started the PowerPoint whilst James started the representation PowerPoint, Archie started the timeline of our opening sequence.

Day 17: Friday 5th December
Today our first draft needed to be in. This needed to be in so that we could receive feedback from our fellow peers. We however continued filming on this day in order to finish as we were slightly rushing. Archie also finished the timeline of our opening sequence.

Me putting in blood, sweat and tears
Week commencing 8th December:

This week we received our feedback from various peers and teachers in order to try and see what we would could improve. Our feedback was what we expected and was very good however we felt as though we could improve our film when we had group discussions. We continued to film for our opening sequence and we changed other sections and shots of our film in order to improve it. We constantly stayed every night after school as a group till 6 O'clock at least. Together as a team we discussed various ways our film could be the best it could be. As we were ahead with paperwork we filmed various of shots that we did not use and shots that we filmed twice as we were ahead of time. The final film needed to be in on Friday 12th December and therefore we focused our time on the film opening sequence. After a long and enjoyable journey we finished our film: The eZ Life.