The eZ Life

Previous Student Film Openings

In today's videos we watched several videos made by students from previous years and other schools and then analysed them. We did this to give us an insight into what we think the sequences were like. This will also help us and give us some ideas which we could use when it comes to creating an opening scene.

The analysis' can be seen below:

The Edge Title Sequence:

After watching this title sequence I analysed it and gave it a mark based upon the system which was covered in the lesson previous.

The Edge is an opening sequence which comes across as a thriller/action film. I think that this opinion can be gained through several factors such as the fast pace of the video and moving shots. There are many scene cuts which are typical conventions of the thriller genre. The way which the editor placed the text showing the actors names was really clever and suited the genre perfectly, making the sequence look slick and hi-tech. The sequence immediately offers up several enigmas to the audience such as why the boy is being chased and who the people chasing him are. The varied camera shots were used to great effect, close up shots were used more at the start of the opening, whereas wide shots were used more as the opening progressed. I gave the 'The Edge' title sequence 60/60.

Roses Are Red Title Sequence:

After watching this title sequence I analysed it and gave it a mark based upon the system which was covered in the lesson previous.

Roses are Red is an opening sequence which comes across as a teen drama. I think that this opinion can be gained through several factors, mainly by the fact that the character is a female teenager and the props are ones which are typically found in a teenagers bedroom, I thought it was very clever how the students incorporated the actors' names onto the props rather than editing text onto the video. I thought that the use of stop animation was very effective and the overall title sequence benefitted from it. Unfortunately I found the every day task of getting dressed to be a boring scene as it lasted too long and it wasn't interesting enough to keep my attention and I found the music really annoying and it began to irritate me very quickly. This being said, I enjoyed the part at the end which offered up an enigma to the audience. I gave the 'Roses Are Red' title sequence 47/60.

GEMINI Title Sequence:

After watching this title sequence I analysed it and gave it a mark based upon the system which was covered in the lesson previous.

GEMINI is an opening sequence which comes across as a thriller or crime drama. This can be learned through the fact that one of the characters are being interviewed by the police or similar crime enforcement unit. I felt that the editing wasn't as slick as it possibly could have been as shots changed very suddenly and seemed to change at the wrong time for my liking. However some of the editing was good such as the split screen and the timing of the gun sound effect was accurate. The colours used for the titles were well suited to the genre. The sound was sometimes not of the greatest quality and sometimes this became noticeable and disrupted immersion into the piece. Overall, I gave the 'GEMINI' title sequence 45/60. I gave it this mark due to several reasons.