The eZ Life

Plan of Changes

After sifting through all of our feedback forms me, James and Archie chose three from separate piles which we thought were the most helpful and accurate. After doing this we discussed as a group what changes we need to make and the priority of the changes. The changes which we we'll make can be seen below in order of priority.

1. Improve the ending of the opening.

The ending on our first draft was very poor by our own admission and was the main criticism from the feedback. Therefore, it was only right that this was our first priority to improve this week. James suggested having a time lapse at the end. We have planned that Archie will paint my face to make me look like a zombie and James will take pictures gradually throughout the process which when collated together will be a time lapse. This will make it much more obvious to the audience that Zach is turning into a Zombie and will look much more professional than our current ending.

This is a tutorial James watched after we agreed on a time lapse at the end. Obviously it could not be directly applied to our one as the setting will be different. But this was hugely helpful to watch as the fundamental concepts of a time lapse were explained in a way that was easy for James to understand. Much of the advice given in this video will be taken into account when we create our time lapse. 

2. Make the story/plot more obvious.

This was a reoccurring criticism from our feedback. Many people said they weren't sure what was happening or that the story line lacked depth. To improve this I suggested that we implement a news report into our opening sequence which will explain the effect that the drug has on the users. The news interview will be filmed in the interview room located in our school as it looks similar to the setting of professional news sets. We also identified that we need someone older, wearing a smart suit, to be the news reporter. We asked our head of sixth form, Mr Barker, to do this and he has kindly agreed to do it on Friday morning.