The eZ Life

Why We Chose Our Music

Our group has been queried over the past few weeks about our music selection. Hopefully this blog post will address some of the criticism and doubts which our group encountered though the long process of creating The eZ Life.

The lyrics used actually help to create imagery and help to add more meaning to the viewing experience. Remember, The eZ Life is a film to advocate helping drug users with their problems.

Below are the lyrics which are featured in our opening, and with them, an explanation as to how it relates to our convention and film:


"Niggas need a spot where WE can kick it"

- Since thugs don't have a sense of belonging in many places, they require a 'Thugz Mansion' where they can chill and kick it. A place where they can relax and escape from the society where they're oppressed. This reflects the drug culture which our film is aiming to present to it's target audience.

"A spot where WE belong, that's just for us"

- The lyric is basically saying that since society tends to get all bent out of shape when it looks at drug consumption, Tupac wants place where he actually feels like he belongs. Not a place where he's looked down upon by society, but instead a place where he's accepted. This reflects how the drug consumption is exclusive.

"Niggas ain't gotta get all dressed up and be Hollywood"

- Tupac's describing his heaven as a place where people can be relaxed and not worry about being fake. This represents how the drug is real, and not just "Hollywood".

"Y'knahmean? Where do niggas go when we die?"

- This line reflects the concept of 'life after death'. This fits perfectly with the effects that eZ have upon consumption.

"Ain't no heaven for a thug nigga"

- This statement helps foreshadows how the drug doesn't create heaven, infact it has detrimental effects upon the user.

"That's why we go to a thug mansion"

- This line simply is a metaphor for entering the party and also taking eZ.

"That's the only place where thugs get in free and you gotta be a G ... at thug mansion"

- Basically, the party is the utopia, but also eZ creates a dystopia.


"A place to spend my quiet nights, time to unwind"

- The drug, eZ, is envisioned to be stress free and the opposite to time on Earth.

"So much pressure in this life of mine, I cry at times"

- This lines outlines how drug users usually have a stimulant to their addiction or desire to consume.

"I once contemplated suicide, and woulda tried"

- This line suggests how drug users sometimes rely upon drugs to live. This creates an interesting idea as obviously eZ turns you undead.

"But when I held that 9, all I could see was my momma's eyes"

- This line shows how things in drug users' pasts prevent them from ending their lives.

"No one knows my struggle, they only see the trouble"

- Drug users are generally labelled and are considered trouble.

"Not knowin it's hard to carry on when no one loves you"

- People are ignorant to drug consumption and the problems which it causes.

"Picture me inside the misery of poverty"

- This line makes the audience think about the pain and anguish which negligence of drug users causes.

"No man alive has ever witnessed struggles I survived"

- The media only portray drug users in a bad light, and not rehab or anything similar.

"Prayin hard for better days, promise to hold on"

- Through every dark night, there's a bright day after that.

"Me and my dawgs ain't have a choice but to roll on"

- People who have a drug habit are forced to continue on their path without any help.

"We found a family spot to kick it"

- This line suggests how drug users have regular locations and take drugs with the same people.

"Where we can drink liquor and no one bickers over-trick shit"

- Drug users commonly share what they have.

"A spot where we can smoke in peace, and even though we G's"

- Again, this portrays the regularity of the locations which they select.

"We still visualize places, that we can roll in peace"

- This line shows the oppression against drug users and how they should be helped peacefully rather than violently.

"And in my mind's eye I see this place, the players go in fast"

- Drug use is becoming more of a problem as more and more people take them.

"I got a spot for us all, so we can ball, at thug's mansion"

- This line suggests the influence which drugs have on vulnerable people and if they're promised a euphoric experience, they're more than likely to return.